A commercialization one-window cell was inaugurated at the Multan Development Authority (MDA) on Wednesday. MDA Director General Kaiser Salim and Town Planning Director Qaswer Abbas were present. On this occasion, Kaiser Saleem said that the one-window cell is IT-driven to provide facilities to the applicants for commercialization processing. He said tea and coffee will be catered to all the applicants.
The commercialization software is linked to DLR to make it more effective. Along with MDA’s server to secure all online records of commercialization, records will also be stored in the cloud. This software is also linked to Nadra Pakistan, which helps in the identification and online verification of applicants. He said thanks to advanced software technology, verification of ownership and property documents will be possible. He said that a challan will be issued on the spot after checking the documents of the customers coming to the cell. The facility of depositing this challan at the counter of the private bank located in the MDA building is provided.
A commercialization request will be received at the e-khidmat center in Multan after the challan is deposited. After which the responsibility of the questioner will be over, and the officer will be bound to complete the process within one month and issue the letter. After a lapse of more than a month, the citizen was given MDA without waiting.