In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has urged the United Nations to resolve the lingering Kashmir dispute by implementing its resolutions on Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the APHC Vice Chairman, Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar, in a letter addressed to the United Nations, Secretary General, António Guterres, said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir suspended armed resistance against forcible occupation of India in 1947 after the United Nations promised to them the right to self-determination and the same was also endorsed by India.
He said, on the pressure by the world leaders, New Delhi took the matter to the UN on January 1, 1948 and the UN discussed the matter on various occasions and passed nearly one and a half dozen resolutions which remain unimplemented because of the illegal and illogical reluctance and arrogance of India.
Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar said, the people of Kashmir through all peaceful means of resistance on moral, political and diplomatic fronts, tried their level best to persuade India to fulfill its commitments made before the United Nations to allow them to decide their political future in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions, but to no avail. Instead of fulfilling its commitments, India converted the illegally occupied territory into a military garrison by deploying more than one million of its armed troops who are engaged in the worst kind of genocide, illegal detentions, desecrating of chastity of women, using rape as a weapon of war and vandalising the residential houses, he deplored.
The APHC leader said, India, in this way, has undertaken coercive and violent activities designed to create fear psychosis to silence the people of Kashmir. “In violation of the UN resolutions on Kashmir, by India, the situation has much worsened after 5th August 2019. India has crossed all limits to set aside the UN recognised disputed nature of Kashmir issue by taking illegal measures of annexation, unilaterally”, he added.
He said, the territory has been besieged, people’s rights have been snatched, all the political activities have been banned and political leaders and activists have been illegally detained in hell like jails far off from their homes. “Press is not allowed to let the world know the day to day happenings. Indian fascist regime is systematically acting on the agenda of ethnic cleansing to convert Muslim majority of the territory into minority,” he maintained.
Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar said, administrative orders have been passed to implement newly changed land laws in favour of non-Muslims belonging to India. Even the dead bodies of the world renowned leaders belonging to the resistance movement of Kashmir, like Syed Ali Gilani, are now forcibly snatched from their families and buried in police custody without performing the religious rituals.
He said, mass killings, arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial killings, torture, harassment, humiliation, destruction of material property, strict curfews, implementation of draconian laws have become a permanent feature of life in IIOJK.