Space Education Research Lab, National Center for GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA) will conduct “Astronomy Camp 2023” from March 03-05 for space enthusiasts.
According to an official of NCGSA, the camp envisages enhancing the interest of young space enthusiasts in the domains of space science, technology and its applications for socio-economic development. The camp will feature astronomical wonders and fascination, including fundamentals of astronomy, observational astronomy and computational astronomy.
In the fundamentals of astronomy, the students will learn about the basics of astronomy, origin of the universe, the Milky Way galaxy, using astrolabe (ancient astronomy), hands-on telescope and build a telescope (The Mathematics and Physics Behind). Whereas, the session on Observatory Astronomy will include the history and fundamentals of observational astronomy, astrophotography (the art of capturing sky), planning an observation session, and observing the night sky through telescope and binoculars. While computational astronomy session will involve various activities including Stellarium: eyes on the sky, virtual astronomy laboratory, and Jupiter’s moons and the speed of light using CLEA.
The camp will also include interactive lectures, software tools and resources and observatory sessions. Students from Grades VIII-XII can participate in the astronomy camp which would be held at the Institute of Space Technology (IST).
Space enthusiasts can register to participate in the camp through the web link: < > till February 24. For further details, the intended participants can contact 051-9075865-65 and 03355342765.